
Digital business products

Share all
your networks

in one tap

Digital business products

Create great lasting impressions with fully customized profiles and share them through NFC contactless technology or QR scan.

Get ready

Create great lasting impressions with fully customized profiles and share them through NFC contactless technology or QR scan.

All profiles in one

Real time analytics

Fully customized

No app required
Secure and smart

Here's all

you need

Stand out with a modern, professional, eco-friendly way to share your contact information.

Our mission

Less paper

More trees

We’re working to create a better place. For every product sold a new tree will be planted in the location you choose. We have helped thousands of people around the world.

Best seller

Smart business


Get ready for modern business. Inspire, innovate and reforest the planet with our green smart products.

How it Works

Get a product
Choose the product that perfectly fits you, from templates to fully customized design.
Improve your networking
Create your profile with all your information, manage your contacts and get a professional look.
Help the planet
Link your profile to your product, choose the location for your tree and start doing magic.



Samgreen allows you to build your personal landing page, with contact information such as links, photos, videos, and more. All in one place.

Get your own design

Unlock your style

Each product,

New theme

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Connecting people

around the world

Fantastic metrics

+ Trees

More than a thousand new trees
+ 0
More than a thousand new interactions

+ Users

More than a thousand new users
+ 0
More than a thousand new interactions

+ Trees

More than thousand new trees

+ Users

More than a thousand new users


Get in touch

If you have any questions let us know. A representative will contact you as soon as possible.